
Halloween Costume...

So I was thinking this year of being something absolutly fantastic; a little sexy, very original, almost breathtaking. There's all the usual things to be, a witch, a doctor, firefighter, French maid, sexy bunny, whatever... and then I was thinking I would be Mother Nature, all Garden of Eden and shit. Wouldn't it be tres' fab??? Green looks good on everyone, and I could use things from home and do some phenomenal make-up, little flowers on my face and neck and arms... Do some SEXED out hair, big and voluptuous, stellar shoes, and a little bit-o-glitter. I don't usually rock the glitter, even though it USED to be my favourite colour (seriously.) I have some rockin' peridot (like the gemstone) Martha Stewart stuff that would go SMASHINGLY. So.... what do you guys think???


Kim Axani said...

That's a very original idea! Be sure to take lots of pictures

Eric said...

That costume could look awesome! It kind of reminds me of Poison Ivy from Batman but I'm sure it would look quite different. A lot of paint and fake leaves would probably work wonders for it. =P

Ed Ngai said...

All I can say is Sweet!
I respect that you are not doin the easy thing and go for a generic costume!