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OMG... that is all. I just moved to a new apartment, and with this apartment I am getting some new roomates (it's a 5 bedroom) my sister Cecilia and her friend Anseletta who she went to medical school with. Now, Anseletta went to school with a boy named Porter... Porter is a bit of a facebook stalker (aren't we all) and saw the new friendship between Anseletta and I and added me as a friend with a message that sounded something like, "you're so beautiful, I have to know you." I was a bit offset by this but thought I would give it a whirl, Anseletta said he was a great guy.

And boy was she right! Since we met, which I think was March 7th or so, we've been basically inseperable... Except for a brief European encounter which I'll explain in a minute. Anyways, Porter is an exceptionally attractive man, practically irresistible... He works for a financial consulting firm downtown and we share a plethora or similarities, from music to books to cinema... and obviously he's a wee bit French, which is something I love LOVE LOVE! He's actually from Michigan, like me, and moved here a few years ago when he transfered his job to move in with his girlfriend, Anastasia.

This is where things get tricky... he had told me about her, how she was a model... had red hair... and whatever, it wasn't important to me. That is until last night when we were leaving the Bulls game and were walking out to go home and he said, "There she is, that's my ex-girlfriend Ana." We stopped to say hello and I was awestruck, I KNEW HER IN HIGH SCHOOL! And I didn't just know her, I KNEW her, we went to to church together, had all the same friends, and so much more. We saw each other and neither of us said anything for a few seconds (as if it wasn't akward enough) she said, "You look so familiar, don't I know you from somewhere?" And we talked for a moment and left. It was almost like an out of body expirience; I couldn't believe it. She's beautiful and thin and well, stunning, and I, well I'm me.

At first it made me feel a little low, but then I got to thinking about the way that I date, and realized most people do the same... which is something I like to call upgrading, haha! So now I feel even better about myself, isn't that crazy? Plus... I'm not a bitch, which she is. She sort of was to me back in the day, but I think it's because her career was just beginning launch, and Porter definitely agreed, she had a bit of the Naomi Campbell complex, well, with less work obviously.

As of now, we're not "dating"... I'm actually not so sure what we are. He definitely talks about the future, A LOT, so we'll see how things go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They will readily admit I closed casinos... , the SUndowner, the Silver Club in Sparks, but they won't admit I am responsible for Silver Legacy.
Or putting the railroad underground so it doesn't have to blow its horn everyday at 3am through downtown Reno.
You don't admit the Silver Club despite the connection to the Hells Angel's murder at JohnAsquaga's Nugget?
You don't admit I built the Fremont Steet Experience in Vegas? "you did a lot there." How about free tickets for Santana?
I was standing out front of the motherfucking Mandalay Bay event center looking for a ticket to the riddick Bowe/Holyfield fight and couldn't get in.
Don't forget the other obvious Vegas development::::Danny Gans at the Rio in Vegas. Anyways, he went to the Bellagio because of me and allowed to die, thereby alleviating the real of incurring further evil.
How about Brokeback Mountain? They allowed the same tactic to be employed after the BAtman movie people praised so strongly.
Did you know Steve Jobs was a Posevelski clue??? How about that for mover and shaker??
I think I built both separate parking garages at my two favorite casinos, a clue due to the connection:::Binion's Horseshoe (Rounders, poker) and CalNeva Reno. "One of them is mad." Learned a lesson:::Don't do what you're told. What the gods tell you is temptation, a test of your worthiness. You have accepted responsibility and will be judged for what's been entrusted to you, professionally, family, etc.

Fuck Ahmen and all his fucking friends for tormennting me maliciously this morning.